A Celebration of Learning
The Department of Continuing Education at Lancaster University nominated three of its students for the prestigious Adult learners' Week Awards, (organised by the National Organisation for Adult Learning) and is delighted that two of them have been successful for the Cumbria region awards.
The aim of the awards is to encourage adults to participate in learning, to celebrate achievement and highlight the diversity of adult learning.
The two winners were both mature students who have benefited enormously from learning, saying that it has inspired them and has given them confidence. Both students took Learning from Home Creative Writing courses - one by post, the other via the Internet. Having taken the Internet based course because it was the only one that would suit her circumstances, one of the award winners now says that she rates this way of learning above the traditional face to face courses! The other award winner has ambitions to complete and publish her own novel.
Course organiser, Hilary Thomas says: 'We are really proud of the achievements of these two students. Their personal circumstances have not made it easy for them to take up learning opportunities. It is a mark of their determination and enthusiasm for learning that has got them this far. We are delighted that the flexibility offered through our postal and Internet-based courses have made this all possible.'
The awards were presented at a celebratory evening on Friday 18th May at Higham Hall, Cumbria.