Inaugural Lancaster Ideas Festival
Friday 17 March 2006
at the Leadership Centre, Management School
Admission free to all members of the university
: select your topics from the following list
Chairman: Mr Bryan M. Gray (Pro-Chancellor)
10.00 a.m. Introduction
10.10 a.m. Pitch in the brain (Christopher J. Plack - Psychology)
10.25 a.m. The role of the negative self in consumption (Margaret K. Hogg - Marketing)
10.40 a.m. End of life care – a global issue (David Clark – Institute for Health Research)
10.55 a.m. Coffee break
11.20 a.m. Our dynamic Sun and its influence on communication systems (Farideh Honary – Communications Systems)
11.35 a.m. Can gambling be healthy? (Corinne May-Chahal – Applied Social Science)
11.50 a.m. Accounting, business fundamentals and valuation (John O’Hanlon – Accounting and Finance)
12.05 p.m. ‘Magimix’: clean water by magnetism (Barbara Maher - Geography)
12.25 p.m. Close of morning session
1.45 p.m. Matters of life, death and law (Hazel Biggs - Law)
2.00 p.m. Trends in nanoscience and nanotechnlogy (Colin Lambert - Physics)
2.15 p.m. Innovative connections (Mary Rose – Institute for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development)
2.30 p.m. Exact simulation of diffusions: finite representations of infinite dimensional randomness (Gareth Roberts – Mathematics and Statistics)
2.45 p.m. Tea
3.00 p.m. Playing spaces in Renaissance drama (Alison Findlay – English and Creative Writing)
3.15 p.m. Belowground communities as drivers of ecosystem process (Richard D. Bardgett – Biological Sciences)
3.30 p.m. Concluding remarks and departure