Department of Continuing Education Summer Schools
The Department of Continuing Education at Lancaster University will be running a variety of summer school courses over the next few months for disadvantaged school pupils, sixth formers about to enter Higher Education, the general public, and overseas students.
The Higher Education Summer School is aims to give around 168 Year 11 pupils from the North West region from schools in Excellence in Cities and Education Action Zone areas a taste of university life. The week-long school includes academic tasters, aspiration raising, team building and social activities, and is free for participants as the cost is met by the Higher Education Funding Council for England as part of a nation-wide scheme.
There will also be several schools aimed at sixth form and college pupils to help them bridge the gap between further and higher education. The FE2HE school is a week long school for year 12 students, with advice on the university application process and university life, as well as academic courses. The cost of the course for eligible students is met by the Learning Skills Council and the Sutton Trust. There will also be four-week courses.
The Summer College, on the other hand, is four weeks long and is aimed at students about to embark upon Higher Education. This course can help students to gain a university place for courses at some institutions, or to experience student life and learn skills essential for HE. Again, the course is free to students meeting access criteria such as having been disadvantaged in their education, as it is supported by HEFCE.
There are also two weeklong residential Summer Programmes for the general public, with courses such as photography, creative writing, rambling and archaeology on offer, as well as activities for children and teenagers and a varied social programme.
For more information on any of these courses, contact the Department of Continuing Education on extension 92623/4.