Quadruple amputee mountaineer inspires business leaders

An inspirational mountaineer who overcame tragedy and severe injury is set to address Lancashire’s business community next week.
Climber Jamie Andrew had to have his hands and feet amputated after he and his climbing partner were involved in a horrific accident in the French Alps. The pair survived for five nights without food, warmth or shelter until rescue came. Sadly Jamie’s climbing partner didn’t survive and Jamie was seriously injured by frostbite.
But despite his disability, Jamie has continued to climb making ascents all over the world, raising thousands of pounds for charity and sharing his story with people from all walks of life.
Since the accident Jamie has re-taught himself many sports including swimming, running, skiing, snow-boarding, paragliding, caving, orienteering and sailing. In April 2002 Jamie ran the London Marathon, raising over £22,000 for charity on the way. And in March 2004 he published a book about his journey Life and Limb, published by Piatkus Books.
On January 22, the Scottish mountaineer is set to tell his extraordinary story of survival to business leaders at Lancaster University’s Lancaster Forum – a business development programme designed by the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development to engage with SMEs.
Magnus George, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Policy in the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development, said: “I knew Jamie as an undergraduate, and he was a great young climber. The story of his accident has made a huge impression on me, and I have followed his recovery and subsequent exploits.
“I’ve seen him speak, and I feel that his message is one of courage, the importance of personal resilience, how to deal with change, and the value of relationships. He is a truly inspirational person: hearing him will change how you think.”
For further information about the Lancaster Forum go to: http://www.lums.lancs.ac.uk/departments/Entrep/Projects/lancasterforum/
For more about Jamie Andrew visit: /http://www.jamieandrew.com