Science Taster Day

The Faculty of Science and Technology’s fourth annual taster day attracted over 150 students from across the North West, who travelled to Lancaster to find out what it would be like studying their favourite subjects at university.
The year-twelve students were given a tour of the university campus before attending sessions run by Lancaster’s science and technology departments.
Sessions on offer this year ranged from a hands-on practical workshop from Communication Systems using 3G mobile phones to a modern ‘whodunit’ from Biology that had the students solving a murder mystery using DNA evidence.
The Faculty of Science and Technology’s Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies Dr. Jane Taylor said:
“Our annual taster day aims to give year-twelve students a real feel of what it’s like to study science and technology subjects at university. As well as the departmental workshops, there’s the opportunity to talk to our lecturers first-hand.
“We really hope the event will encourage and support the decisions these students will be making very soon about going to university.”

Eight North West schools sent groups, while other students travelled from Cheshire and Yorkshire under their own initiative.
Barrow Sixth Form, who attended last year’s event, returned this year with a group of 20 students. Alison Hewson, head of Maths and ICT at the school was very positive about the value of the event.
“The organisation was excellent and the students enjoyed their tour of the campus. It helps them get a feel of what a campus uni is like and I know some of them are now considering Lancaster who may not have done prior to the day.”
For further details on future science and technology events and activities for schools visit