Lancaster Student Chosen by Government

A Lancaster postgraduate has been chosen as a member of the new National Student Forum which will be launched later this month to represent the student voice within Government.
Akanimo Odon is to be the international student representative on the Forum, which is a new initiative from the Department for Innovation Universities and Skills (DIUS) in partnership with the NUS, the National Postgraduate Committee, the Mature Students’ Union, Skill: the national body for disabled students, the Open University Students’ Association and the British Council.
The Forum, made up of 25 students from across the UK, will advise Government with the help of Student Juries, feeding views to policy makers and producing an annual report for Ministers.
Akanimo, who is studying for a PhD at the Lancaster Environment Centre, previously won the title of International Student of the Year 2006 at the British Council’s annual Shine awards. He also acts as a postgraduate ambassador for the University.