Celebrate the Arts in Keswick

Keswick’s Theatre by the Lake is the venue for a festival celebrating the creative arts, run jointly with Lancaster University this June.
The Creative Arts Festival takes place from Saturday 31 May – Sunday 8 June and offers a choice of Lancaster University two-day courses, as well as the opportunity to take part in free workshops.
Rose Welshman from the Department of Continuing Education said: “This is a chance for people to develop new interests or extend their existing skills in the creative arts, in the company of like-minded people. Whether you are an avid reader, an experienced writer or artist, or are new to the arts, you will find much to interest you in this enjoyable celebratory week.’
Art lovers will enjoy Creative Drawing with Mixed Media, using a variety of different materials and drawing implements to discover their skills in expressive drawing, while the course Stimulate Your Writing will provide an opportunity for kick-starting creative writing, exploring techniques and activities to tap into creativity.
Those who want to improve their photographic skills may be interested in New Horizons in Landscape Photography. On the course, which includes trips to local beauty spots in and around Keswick, participants will have the opportunity to produce a unique record of the local landscape, whilst developing a personal style of their own.
Magical Creatures is an engaging new course exploring how magical creatures have captured the imagination of artists and writers from the Middle Ages to the present day, and From Child to Adult: a Literary Journey, provides a fascinating literary exploration of childhood and growing up via memoirs, autobiographies and novels such as To Kill a Mockingbird.
The courses will be taught in a workshop style by supportive and experienced tutors from Lancaster University’s Department of Continuing Education, who will encourage all participants to contribute their ideas.
The Festival courses are open for enrolment now, and places must be booked at least a week in advance of the start dates. For further information and to enrol, contact the Department of Continuing Education at Lancaster University on 01524 592623/4.