Lectures and Seminars
28 November Low Carbon China: The Role of International Collaboration For more information, please see: |
3 December Soft information in earnings announcements: News or noise? Visit http://www.lums.lancs.ac.uk/departments/Accounting/Seminars/ for further details
3 December ‘I’ve been told […] that the play is far too German’: The Any enquiries to l.gilmour@lancaster.ac.uk |
4 December Keeping up-to-date with the literature of your subject |
10 December New labour? the impact of migration from central and Teaching Room B56, 4.00 pm., All Welcome For forthcoming events visit http://www.lums.lancs.ac.uk/events/economics/ |
8 December Envisioning Real Utopias to be followed by a drinks reception. For further details please see: http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/ias/event/2668/ |
15 December Re-thinking interdisciplinarity: the benefits and If you would like to attend please email s.brown@lancaster.ac.uk before Monday the 8th of December. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. |
The Lancaster Environment Centre & the Royal Geographical Society NW Region Seminar series 6 February The formation of the Himalaya-Karakoram mountain belt Prof Mike Searle (Oxford University) 7.30pm, Biol LT, Environmental Science |