University commits to energy efficiency
Lancaster University has made a public commitment to manage its environmental impacts and to improve environmental performance by adopting its first ever Environmental Policy.
All members of the University will be involved to some degree. The policy will also encourage people to think of their own ideas for delivering the principles – such as ways of being energy efficient, reducing car use, saving paper, recycling, saving water, either at work or at home.
Environmental Manager Sharon Woodruff explains: “Organisations are expected increasingly to have an environmental policy, and Lancaster wants to demonstrate a commitment to good environmental practice to its stakeholders. In turn, the University is beginning to ask its suppliers and contractors to have environmental policies in place – all this is with the aim to lessen the negative impact of our everyday activities on the environment.”
The University has already gone some way to improving its practices such as:
· Taking part in an Energy Survey by the Carbon Trust.
· Publishing a Travel plan
· Priority car-sharing spaces for car-sharers
· Recycling of various materials, including this year, for the first time, mattresses.
· Introduction of a green box recycling scheme for residents on the main campus
· Giving away 3,000 low-energy light bulbs at Freshers' Fair
Through its policy, the University has made a number of environmental commitments, including using resources efficiently, reducing waste, adopting environmental best practice, increasing the use of sustainable drainage systems and managing and improving the biodiversity of the estate.
To view Lancaster University’s Environmental Policy please click on the following web link:
Environmental Policy document